Students are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) while
attending TET. SAP is measured by both qualitative and quantitative
measurements calculated at the end of each module and conclusion of the
program at the time both the Grade Point Average and the Rate of Progress/
Passed Measurement calculated.
Progress is measured at the midpoint of each module and
Students must demonstrate SAP by maintaining a minimum cumulative
grade point average of 2.00 and progress academically at a rate that allows
them to complete the program within 1 ½ times the length of the program.
Progress is measured at the midpoint of each module and
at the conclusion of each module, at which time both the Grade Point
Average and the Rate of Progress/Passed measurement is calculated.
Students must progress toward completion of the program at a specified rate
and must complete the program within one and one-half times the published
program length.
For example, if the program consists of two modules the student must
complete the program within three attempted modules. To maintain SAP, a
student must have sufficient progress in the program to assure that it can be
completed within the maximum time frame of 1.5 times
the normal program length.
Time taken for an approved leave of absence will not be included in the
calculation of a student’s maximum time to complete the program.
Students dropped for lack of SAP MAY apply for readmission after waiting a
minimum of 30 days.
A student is measured on grade point average and attendance and the
completion of attempted module academic progress this is evaluated on a
module basis, which is referred to as the evaluation period. To achieve SAP;
students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of a minimum of 70% or 2.0 and a cumulative 80% attendance.
In order to be assured of making satisfactory progress toward completion of
these educational goals, all students must complete their program within 1.5
times the normal length of time. All modules attempted, including repeated
courses, will be counted toward the maximum time frame calculation. This
includes courses with a grade of “W” or “I”.
All students must maintain these minimum standards to be considered as
maintaining SAP. Failure to maintain these standards may result in the
termination of their enrollment.
All students will be evaluated at the end of each module to assure adherence
to the SAP requirements and remain eligible.
All students must maintain these minimum standards to be considered as
maintaining SAP. Most grades have a quantitative aspect however some
projects are assessed as meets or does not meet.
A = Excellent 90-100
B = Above Average 80-89
C = Average (Passing Grade) 70-79
D = Below Average (Not passing) 60-69
F = Unsatisfactory 59 or below
All students will be evaluated during their program to assure adherence to
the SAP.