

Students are expected to attend all classes as scheduled. Class attendance is an important
factor in a student’s success. Students must adhere to the following attendance

1. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class session. Students who are not present
when attendance is taken will be considered tardy. Students who are not in attendance for
60% or more of a class session will be considered absent.

2. Tardiness and early departures may affect a student’s attendance and grades. Chronic or
excessive tardiness may lead to disciplinary action up to an including withdrawal from the
program. Students are expected to be on time to each class and stay until the class has
been dismissed. Punctuality is the responsibility of the individual student and will be
encouraged at all times.

3. Students must attend at least 80% of the 630 hours (504 hours minimum attendance)
scheduled class hours.

4. After five (5) consecutive absences with no call no show, a student will automatically be
withdrawn from the program.

5. Students are required to clock in and out on the biometric time clock, when arriving to
school, leaving for lunch, returning from lunch and leaving for the day. Students are to notify
their instructor right away if they forget to clock in or out. Students who fail to attend in a
consistent manner will be subject to the following remediation policy: The remediation policy
serves to ensure that students who have been counseled on issues regarding performance,
attendance and/or behavior, are provided the opportunity to demonstrate improvement in
the cited areas of deficiency in a timely manner in order to progress through the program. If
a student is placed on academic probation, remediation is mandatory.

Remediation Process for absenteeism

1. The student will be given a Verbal Warning by the instructor or a member of
administration when they have reached four (4) total absences.

2. If the cited area of deficiency is not corrected and the student reaches eight (8) absences,
a Written Warning will be issued.

3. If there continues to be a lack of progress in the cited area of deficiency by a student
reaching twelve (12) absences, a Counseling Session with the student, caseworkers, and a
member of administration will be conducted.

4. If the deficiency continues and the student reaches sixteen absences (16) the student will
meet with the director of operations and president and be placed on Academic Probation.

A customized plan for remediation will be developed for each student subject to Academic

5. If the student does not successfully adhere to the terms of his or her academic probation,
the student will be dropped from the program.


While students are expected to attend all classes and complete all assignments as
scheduled, TET does allow students to receive both academic and attendance credit for
made up assignments and time. Make-up must be comparable to the content, time and
delivery of the classes missed. Students who are absent from regularly scheduled classes
are responsible to turn in required assignments on the day of returning to class. In order to
maintain the 80% minimum attendance standard, students may receive attendance credit
hours for time spent in the classroom/workshop after normal scheduled course hours. Make-
up attendance is allowed on a “space available” basis and the student MUST make prior
arrangements with their instructor to schedule makeup time. Students may only make-up a
maximum of 20% percent of the scheduled program hours.


Students will be given an excused absence for the following: illness, medical, dental,
optometrist, or chiropractic appointments, attending the funeral services of the students’
immediate family, jury duty, court appearances or authorized at the discretion of a school
administrator. The student must notify his or her instructor of any appointments prior to
missing class and bring in documentation on the day of return. Excused absences will count
as absences in the calculation of attendance rates and will not increase the maximum
number of allowable absences.


Students who plan to be absent for an extended period of time due to emergency situations
such as serious illness, debilitating injury, death in the family or military orders may apply
for a Leave of Absence by filing out a “Leave of Absence Request Form”. A Leave of Absence
is granted by the Director of Operations on an individual basis and must be requested prior
to the beginning date of the leave of absence, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the
student from doing so. The total cumulative length of time that a student may take for a
Leave of Absence must not exceed 180 days or 1⁄2 the program length, whichever is shorter.
An approved Leave of Absence will be granted only if the student has completed at least 1
module and TET can reasonably expect the student to return and resume their program at or
prior to the point of instruction where they left off.

Failure to return from a Leave of Absence on the scheduled return date will result in
termination from the course. No additional charges will be assessed to a student’s account
during a Leave of Absence.